Friday, February 19, 2010

Soooo sorrry!!

Day 29/28!!

Weather: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, I mean rain ;].
Song Line of the Day: Face down in the bathroom floor, did you know you left me hanging out to dry? Did you see me in the ICU, do you even care I'm fighting for my life? -- "Permanent Heartbreak" By: The Firday Night Boys.
Mood: Happy again :].

I am sooo sorry that I didn't post yesterday. I was feeling kind of down yesterday for some reason, I don't know why...but seriously I didn't even go on my afternoon walk. So I had to take an extra long one at night. I spent a lot of my day just plying the Sims. I kind of broke my diet yesterday and had a half a pita sandwhich. Not good. I mean, Pita Fresh is pretty healthy, but white bread, and the dressing and stuff just not good. So I didn't even eat dinner cause I felt so guilty...that is no good. And what's worse is that I'm not even starting to feel the hunger. Like, it's good, but it's bad. I don't want to get into a bad habit ya know? But I think I'm doing better today. Unfortunatly I'm almost out of grapes though and I'm on my last special K bar. Which is my breakfast and lunch. So I'll need to go out and grab some of the pronto....but that is why I was feeling so lousy yesterday. I felt guilty for eating the sandwich, and then my stomach was hurting afterwards too. Just not a good thing. I'm used to eating small, very healthy meals now, and that was just not good. But on the plus side the diet is working. I've already started slimming down (not much, and not noticable. But when I put on my pants after I washed them, they weren't cutting off my cirulation! Lol). Anyways, so all is going good, and I think if I seriously stick to this and not have anymore slip up's, I'll be in very good shape. I skipped my afternoon walk today too, but only because I want to go on a really long one tonight again so I'll have my iPod back from Ana with all new songs (sooo exciting!) and a lot more songs too, so it will be funn :].

In other news, I didn't get my new phone. The guy at Verizon (ANDREW >:[!!!!) Was a total D-BAG!!!! I know all cell phone people are, but seriously, this guy was the rudest that has ever helped me before. OhEmJay this is how the conversation went ASSHOLE: "Let me take the battery out. Oh you see!!! It's not supposed to spin! IT'S SWOLLEN! It's definietttttttllllllyy not the software that did this to your phone, it was you." SWEET INNOCENT ME: "Well what can I do then? Is it the battery? Or is it the phone kind sir? *cue batting my eyelashes*" ASSHOLE: "Well you're just going to need to get a new battery and a new phone. That's forty and fifty dollars! So that is your only option stupid, fat, ugly, piece of worthless shit girl!" SWEET INNOCENT ME: "Well.....isn't that what insurance is for?" ASSHOLE: "INSURANCE?!?! WE DON'T GIVE INSURANCE TO THE LIKES OF YOU! GET OUT OF MY SITE!" .....okay so I exaggerated a bit, but seriously the guy was like oh yeah, well I guess if you have insurance you can go online and get it for free... I was like yeah, that's what I thought dick sucker. I'll see ya later. Oh by the way, go fuck your mother.

Have you guys ever been in love? I have been, I still am in fact. With this guy named Joey. We went out like two years ago, and we had been going out for two years. We had a lot of issues that broke us up, a lot of people lied, and I moved. It was just a terrible situation. Well, finally we started talking again, but we accidentally hooked up...while he had a girlfriend. It just sort of happened. Well that was a long time ago, and it has been resolved and everything. But my feelings for this guy will not go away. He is like, the biggest asshole now, and I still love him! I hate first loves! What's worse? He is my best friends brother, my next door neighbor, and he has a girlfriend. These are all factors that show that I should just kill myself. What was I thinking getting involved with someone who lives next door to me, whom I will have to know for the rest of my life? Jesus, stupid move Torey. Really, stupid move. I'm pretty sure I should just become a nun. That is definietly the best move for me I think....

Well I'm going to go play some Sims now, again, sorry for not writing yesterday. I need to keep up with this everyday. This is one of the things that helps me not slip up on my diet, and keeps me from killing myself (like I have stated before). Okay I'm out, peace :].

P.S. I still love Obama. He came to Vegas today and made a speech and you know what? He kicks major ass! Bush fucking screwed up this country and anyone who would be running for President right now would be having the exact same problems, the only difference is that what Obama is doing is actually working! It's working slow, and we still have a long way to go, but you know what? It's still working. So you guys who hate Obama SUCK IT!! :]


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cookies, Cakes, and Candy :].

Day 29!!!!

Weather: Partly cloudy with a light breeze, but still warm and beautiful :].
Song Line of the Day: I'd like to make myself believe, that planet Earth turns, slowly. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, because my dreams are bursting at the seams... -- "Fireflies" By: Owl City.
Mood: Slowly improving :].

Well, I'm on my third day of dieting, and let me tell you that it's actually going good :]. I go on two or three walks every day now, so I'm not just sitting at home being bored- because that is definietly when I'm the most hungry. Since it's only the third day I obviously haven't seen progess from my body yett, besides the fact that it's easier for me to resist food now, cravings for things like cookies, cakes, and candy. Though trust me, it's still there. Obviously when I am at home watching TV, a commercial for Red Lobster comes on, or Olive Garden, and I start resenting myself for not having a naturally fast metabolism. But whenever I start thinking of that, or the cravings get to bad is when I go on another walk lol. It's really sad (in a good way) that I have in fact started craving my Special K bars now more than anything lmao. I guess if I have to eat healthy, those things really hit the spot. Only ninty calories and I don't have to completely give up chocolate :]! Score one for Torey! Lol. Now I really need to start focusing on working out as well. My walks are great, but I need to start doing more. I just don't know what yett. I don't particularly like going to the gym by myself, but at the same time, I don't get the same results just by walking. I can do exercise tapes, but I'm still lacking the muscle work outs as well. But, I guess we all have to start somewhere. I'm going to start getting back into Yoga, that will be really good for me, definietly will stretch out my muscles which is something I am in desperate need of.

My piercing is healed!!!! It took almost two weeks, but it doesn't hurt anymore! I can't actually switch the stud for like two months, but that is okay :]. I'm just glad I don't have that stinging feeling in my mouth anymore hahaha.

My phone is offically a POS. A while ago, my phone battery started dying really fast, but I could at least still be on it for a while. Now I can't even talk on the phone without it dying! And whenever I try to go to my pictures, it dyes instantly again! And then sometimes the light just turns off! Like, it's not dead, but you can't see the screen! And TODAY, the vibrating just stopped working! What. The. HELL!!?!?!?!?! This is so retartded that words cannot even describe lol. Hopefully I can get it fixed today, because otherwise, this phone is going up every employee at Verizon's ASS!
....still trying to get over the crankiness of no food, my apologies :].


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ohh myy Jonasss :].

Day 30!

Weather: Cloud-free, and perfect temperature for my afternoon walk :].
Song Line of the Day: I've got my sites set on you, and I'm ready to aim. I have a heart that will, never be tame. -- "See You Again" By: Miley Cyrus but REDONE by Breathe Carolina! :]
Mood: Still hungry! XD

Let me tell you guys, when you are seriously lacking in ninty nine percent of the food that you usually eat, you get cranky. Thank God that most people that I care about don't have to face the wrath of Torey on her second day of dieting lol. I am happy to say however, that the second day is going better than the first. Last night the neighbor came over and mom wouldn't start dinner until she left, let's just say that when I haven't eaten half of what I usually eat all day, and I'm not going to get my last meal until nine thirty-shit gets serious. I almost bit the neighbors head off and feasted on her inides. Very Megan Fox-esque :]. But anywho, the point is the diet is still on and I would say it's lasted a whole day longer than my diets usually do XD.

I don't know if there is anything else to say today. Nothing that appealing happens in my life every single day, so there isn't much more to write. If I think of anything else though, I think I'll just make another post today :].


Monday, February 15, 2010

Diet: Day 1!


Weather: Sunny, very hot like yesterday. Great day for driving around with your windows down, blasting some Yellowcard :].
Song Line of the Day: Memories that came and went, and a lot of all the time we spent, listening to everything our parents told us not to take in! -- "Vegas" By: All Time Low.
Mood: Hungry :S.

Well, so far--I HATE DIETING! I'm hungryyy! But not like the "I'm starving myself so I can get skinny" hungry. It's the, "Wow, I really wish I could go to Red Lobster right now and eat greasy, cheesy stuffed muchrooms, maybe some buttery shrimp alfredo, oh and if I have room- a big cookie with ice cream on top." Yeah, THAT kind of hungry. But to tell you the truth, I do already feel better. I woke up this morning and ate some fruit, and let me tell you, it felt kind of good. Then I went to the mall with Ana to use as our afternoon walk lol, and when I came home I ate some carrots. It feels nice not eating candy and butter and all that crap. And this week I'm walking the neighbors dog, this will ensure I go on my night walk after dinner as well :]. I don't want to make this sound as if I'm suddenly obsessed with loosing weight and what not. I guess I'm just sick of being out of shape though! I'm not saying I'm fat, but I'm not the size I want to be either, and I'm not in shape-- if that makes sense. I don't know, since I got my piecring, I've just been really cracking down on who and what I want to be. What with getting serious about my voice lessons, constantly looking for a job, applying for internships at local newspapers, constantly writing as well. Ive even been thinking up some good song lyrics :]. Things kind of seem like they are finally falling into place for me. And all it took was getting away from high school and getting a new piercing :].

What's even better is that I've been checking out and listening to a lot of new music. You know what this means?? MORE GREAT MUSIC!!! Hahahaa, yeah so that's good. Music always gets me in the spirt of whatever I'm working on, so it's a really good thing. Now if Ana would just finish putting all the new music on my iPod I would be set pretty much.

The only thing that isn't going so well for me--well, the only two things I guess I should say-- is the fact that without a job, and without going to school, I am vitually meeting like, no new people. And if I don't mean any new people, then this brings me to my next problem of being single! Ughh, being single is definetly not the worst thing in the world, but at the same time, it isn't the best anymore. I'm done having funn with a bunch of guys (Not that I am like that anyways, seriously, me being single is completely pointless lol). I just want to find someone ya know? Too bad I'm seriously picky. I just can't help it. Trust me, I wish I could.

Ummm. That may be it for today. I'll probably post again later tonight, because I'm boring and have no life. Writing is the only thing keeping me sane I swear to God lol.

Torey :]

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Holy Crap!! It's Valentines!


Weather: Sunny, and hot. I'm about to burst into flame!
Song Line of the Day: And I'm tired, of being all alone. And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home. --Secondhand Serenade. (Eff Justin up the ass for ruining this song for me!)
Mood: Sarcastic.

Where in the world have I been? I kinda-sorta forgot about my account on here, but thank God I remembered because if I don't start blogging again, I thought I might die....

Valentines Day was created for one purpose and one purpose only. To remind us lonely, old, farts that out worst fears have actually been confirmed-we have no life. Valentines Day can suck it! I already have a hard enough time accepting the fact that I have been single for almost a whole year (I can't help that I'm picky when it comes to I do realize that a big part of this is my fault) however, this is still an issue! I have no problem being single. I understand it's a time to have funn and what not, but now, it's just pathetic :]. This year though wasn't as bad as my previous years! Let's do my Valentines Day flashbacks, where I reveal the terrible times and memories that have occured. Last year, I was broken up with a few days before- right after I got my boyfriend of the time I brand new ring that I was so proud of. I now hate him more than anyone on this planet. The year before that, wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. I didn't have a boyfriend so the day pretty much went by unnoticed, besides the fact that every other girl in the school had someone. The year before that, I was broken up with exactly on Valentines Day, over a text message. That is great. And the year before THAT my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend got in a fight in front of my house on Valentines Day. I don't think there is any need to go further back than that. This year hopefully broke the cycle though, because I got a very cute delivery of roses, chocolate, and bubble bath yesterday from my friend! Too bad he is in Salt Lake and I'm in Las Vegas! That WOULD happen to me. The one year someone actually wants to BE with me on this day, he's in a different state. But I guess I won't complain. At least I was acknowleged this year...I mean besides being broken up with...

In other news-I finally got my monroe! I week from yesterday! And let me tell you, I don't regret it one bit. I think it's the cutest piercing ever! And even if it leaves a giant, gaping hole in my face, it is totally worth it :].The inside of my mouth kind of hurt for a while, it still does a little bit, it feels like I just have a cut in my mouth, so it will sting a little bit. But it's healing very nicely :].

Hmmm, I dyed my hair again. Lol It's a really, really dark brown now. One of the best colors I've dyed my hair so far. I don't think I've ever had my hair in a way that I absolutely hated it. I'm pretty good thinking up hairstyles and what not. It's surprising I got my hair back to being healthy. It's actually healthier than it has ever been. A few more weeks and I'll be ready to be on Dove shampoo commericals :].

Ana and I are starting our diets tomorrow. Mom is going to be helping us the whole way through. I think my problem is eating. In fact, I know that's my problem. Eating right is seventy percent of the reason why people are overweight, while exercise is a mere thirty, I can't even believe that. That means I'm really screwed. Food is definetly my guilty pleasure. I eat when I'm hungry (obviously), when I'm bored, when I'm tired, when I'm not tired, when I'm lazy, when I'm active, and all the times in between! This is serious! My number one pet peeve is when I eat when I'm bored. That pisses me off so much, and ever since I've came to Vegas it's been happening a lot, just because I don't know a lot of people down here right now and so when my friends are in school here, I'm sitting at home not doing anything. I need to start going on runs and walks. Maybe doing some of my mum's work out tapes. Anything to keep me from eating. I've started making a calender and putting what foods I'm going to be eating at what time, so there will be no confusion about when I should eat and what I should eat, so when the time does come that I'm hungry, I'll never have the chance to look around at the food that I can't have, and cave. So starting tomorrow is day number thirty one. It takes twenty eight or so days to keep a habit, so I'm going into this full throttle! I'll keep you updated on how that's going. If you don't want to for you ;].

I'm going to be taking voice lessons pretty soon. Mum and I looked up this one lady online, and I'm sorry that I can't remember her name. She was on the news the other day, just in relation to getting people ready for American Idol and stuff. I'm really excited to start. Singing is such an important part of my life and if I was to pursue it I really need to get coaching. I have pretty much zip singing talent from either side of my family (sorry to tell you guys this, but really, I mean I know at the family parties we sing the Beatles better than the Beatles themselves). So yeah, I just need to start getting help from a professional (wow, that didn't make me sound crazy). It will be funn and I'm excited. I swear I will go on tour with All Time Low one day, so you guys better get your autographs now XP.

I don't have a lot else to say, I'll be updating daily now, mostly to help me with my dieting and also so I don't end up going crazy and jumping off the Hoover Dam...cause if my life gets anymore boring than it already is, that might just happen.

P.S. New picture!!