Monday, February 15, 2010

Diet: Day 1!


Weather: Sunny, very hot like yesterday. Great day for driving around with your windows down, blasting some Yellowcard :].
Song Line of the Day: Memories that came and went, and a lot of all the time we spent, listening to everything our parents told us not to take in! -- "Vegas" By: All Time Low.
Mood: Hungry :S.

Well, so far--I HATE DIETING! I'm hungryyy! But not like the "I'm starving myself so I can get skinny" hungry. It's the, "Wow, I really wish I could go to Red Lobster right now and eat greasy, cheesy stuffed muchrooms, maybe some buttery shrimp alfredo, oh and if I have room- a big cookie with ice cream on top." Yeah, THAT kind of hungry. But to tell you the truth, I do already feel better. I woke up this morning and ate some fruit, and let me tell you, it felt kind of good. Then I went to the mall with Ana to use as our afternoon walk lol, and when I came home I ate some carrots. It feels nice not eating candy and butter and all that crap. And this week I'm walking the neighbors dog, this will ensure I go on my night walk after dinner as well :]. I don't want to make this sound as if I'm suddenly obsessed with loosing weight and what not. I guess I'm just sick of being out of shape though! I'm not saying I'm fat, but I'm not the size I want to be either, and I'm not in shape-- if that makes sense. I don't know, since I got my piecring, I've just been really cracking down on who and what I want to be. What with getting serious about my voice lessons, constantly looking for a job, applying for internships at local newspapers, constantly writing as well. Ive even been thinking up some good song lyrics :]. Things kind of seem like they are finally falling into place for me. And all it took was getting away from high school and getting a new piercing :].

What's even better is that I've been checking out and listening to a lot of new music. You know what this means?? MORE GREAT MUSIC!!! Hahahaa, yeah so that's good. Music always gets me in the spirt of whatever I'm working on, so it's a really good thing. Now if Ana would just finish putting all the new music on my iPod I would be set pretty much.

The only thing that isn't going so well for me--well, the only two things I guess I should say-- is the fact that without a job, and without going to school, I am vitually meeting like, no new people. And if I don't mean any new people, then this brings me to my next problem of being single! Ughh, being single is definetly not the worst thing in the world, but at the same time, it isn't the best anymore. I'm done having funn with a bunch of guys (Not that I am like that anyways, seriously, me being single is completely pointless lol). I just want to find someone ya know? Too bad I'm seriously picky. I just can't help it. Trust me, I wish I could.

Ummm. That may be it for today. I'll probably post again later tonight, because I'm boring and have no life. Writing is the only thing keeping me sane I swear to God lol.

Torey :]

1 comment:

  1. Torey, let me give you a piece of advice, I'm a serial relationshipist, and the grass is not greener on the other side my friend. LOL. On that note, good luck with the diet (they do suck ass) and good luck with getting a job or an internship. And definitely enroll in school soon! Buuut not TOO soon, statistics show that people who are out of high school for over a year or more do better in school than people that jump right into college after high school. Just make sure you go to school dammit. Trust me, phone jobs for the rest of your life is no way to live...
